The Next Big Human Trend...

Great article, but also DISTURBING in the sense that this is labeled as a "growing movement" simply because the human species has become so fucking domesticated.  

On the bright side this aligns with the aim of my business of building with earthen materials and stone:  "Design & Build Experiences that Connect People with Themselves, Others & Nature". 

This year I'm E-X-P-A-N-D-I-N-G by starting down a short-long path of learning to build with Rammed Earth (the most beautiful natural building method in the world, in my opinion), Earth Bag, Earth Plaster, Gabion Basket structures, Straw Bale, Cob, etc. all whilst integrating my dry stone work.

I must blow people's minds and my own with what I envision and build.  So many ideas are "trapped" in the recesses of my brain and MUST be unleashed into the physical realm or I will go "loco".


"Nature connection will be the next big Human Trend" - Daniel Crockett