Modern Stonecraft™

Modern Stonecraft™, an innovation that I created in 2017, combines the ancient drystone building method, machine-based stereotomy and lifting technology to meet the demands of modern design.

Much of modern design is about dimensional and rectilinear shapes on a 2D plane or in 3D space, the flat, the vertical and large sizes. Hence, the propensity for architects and designers to use concrete. Now, you can have these modern design characteristics while using natural stone with stunning textures.

For my 2016-2018 project in Truckee, California I worked with my team of collaborators to develop this new approach and build this project using the drystone method, machinery, vacuum lifters and friction grabbers to set over 300 tons of stone.  

The design themes requested by the client were achieved by using monolithic granite risers, landings, and pavers as well as basalt wall stone planks that all ranged from 150 to 3,500 pounds. I had 3 textures (adze, flamed and lychee) applied rotationally to every exposed surface. I believe that textures "awaken the stone's potential".

For some stunning effects, my team created mason’s mitres for the wall corners, set the stone risers so they extruded from inside the wall face and married the pitched faces of the wall stones to each adjoining stone wall plank.