(Durango, Colorado)
A video shot with a drone of this project can be viewed by clicking here - Nat’s Kiva.
This conceptual Anasazi or Puebloan Kiva was designed by artist-sculptor David Mallin (Mancos, Colorado). This structure is a vernacular feature found in the Southwest. David's daughter died early in her life from cancer and this was his family's memorial to her. They funded it, the city donated the land, he helped us build the wall and then, he alone, built the stone floor as part of his transformation, letting-go process.
The following project description is provided by David Mallin: "Sandstone and marble sound chamber for use as a communication portal. Located at the Lion's Den Park, overlooking the Animas River Valley, in Durango, Colorado. Dry stack wall construction by master masons, Jon Aguilar and others. Kiva design, totem carvings, floor design and construction by sculptor, David Mallin. The kiva is a gift to the city of Durango from the Natanya Joy Fund and the Mallin family. It is a memorial tribute to Natanya Joy Mallin Jameson who died on Valentine's Day, 2014, at age 27. Many compassionate and generous donors in Durango and beyond contributed to the fund to help Natty Joy get alternative medical care for a rare aggressive cancer. She died before she could use much of the fund. Those funds purchased the stone and the master masons' labor and expertise. Many of Natty Joy's 'peeps' helped all the way through the project. Completed October 2016."
(Durango, Colorado)
A video shot with a drone of this project can be viewed by clicking here - Nat’s Kiva.
This conceptual Anasazi or Puebloan Kiva was designed by artist-sculptor David Mallin (Mancos, Colorado). This structure is a vernacular feature found in the Southwest. David's daughter died early in her life from cancer and this was his family's memorial to her. They funded it, the city donated the land, he helped us build the wall and then, he alone, built the stone floor as part of his transformation, letting-go process.
The following project description is provided by David Mallin: "Sandstone and marble sound chamber for use as a communication portal. Located at the Lion's Den Park, overlooking the Animas River Valley, in Durango, Colorado. Dry stack wall construction by master masons, Jon Aguilar and others. Kiva design, totem carvings, floor design and construction by sculptor, David Mallin. The kiva is a gift to the city of Durango from the Natanya Joy Fund and the Mallin family. It is a memorial tribute to Natanya Joy Mallin Jameson who died on Valentine's Day, 2014, at age 27. Many compassionate and generous donors in Durango and beyond contributed to the fund to help Natty Joy get alternative medical care for a rare aggressive cancer. She died before she could use much of the fund. Those funds purchased the stone and the master masons' labor and expertise. Many of Natty Joy's 'peeps' helped all the way through the project. Completed October 2016."