

(TEXAS, USA) In his twenties, Jon served in the U.S. Marine Corps; attended the Hebrew University of Jerusalem; learned Spanish, Hebrew and Serbian; and lived or traveled in 20 countries. It was in Israel and Egypt where he first experienced the wonder and awe of monumental dry stone works at Jerusalem’s Old City and the Pyramids of Giza outside of Cairo.

In his thirties, he completed a Bachelors in Political Science at UC-Boulder, started a small landscape construction business and discovered the world of drystone in Seattle, Washington.

In his forties he focused solely on designing and building drystone features after experiencing the complexities, challenges, and immense satisfaction that characterize this ancient method.

Now in his fifties, he’s exploring transformation and his True Identity and how it can all tie into stone. His two questions remain: “What’s possible with the drystone method in the 21st century and why don’t we build Modern Megaliths?”



(ITALY) As a child Piero hung around projects being built by his father and uncle, both masons. In 1998, he graduated from Galileo Galilei, a science and art school.

In 2001, Piero began exploring new cultures around Europe and beyond. In 2006, he landed in Perth, Australia where he worked as a stone mason for 4 years. There, he learned the basics and his mentor shared with him his passion for this amazing and poetic trade. In 2011, Piero met Jon via the Internet and has since worked on projects with him in the USA.

He hopes that in the near future natural stone will be a leading protagonist in the global green-building movement and that all great stone masons will be able to collectively re-invigorate this craft and be recognized. (www.cosmostone.it)


We offer design, build and project management services for a wide range of natural stone works, from drystone outdoor features to monumental stone works requiring the use of machinery and from traditional mortar-set building stone to wine rooms with vaulted stone ceilings. (We do our own site and earth work.)

We draw our own designs for custom projects or collaborate with architects. Most often, we work with other craftsmen/craftswomen to bring balance to our stone works with elements and materials such as wood, canvas, metal and water.

We follow the sacred stone rules, which requires immense discipline and perseverance. In doing so, our stone features will last for many generations. Therein, lies the reward for us.

Stone work styles can range from vernacular and traditional features or more modern ones using machine-based stereotomy and modern-lifting technologies.  


We design. We build. We travel. 

Retaining Walls • Wine Cellars • Fire Features • Patios Risers • Walkways • Large Landings • Gabion Walls Pool Patios • Bridges • Large-scale Boulder Features Stone Fences • Portals • Stone Driveways • Small Temples • Meditation Spaces • Stone Rills Amphitheaters • Machine-based Stereotomical Features • Modern Megaliths

If you can imagine it, we can probably build it…

Video & Podcast With Comedian Bryan Callen:

1) “Best Of, with Bryan Callen” | Ep. 8 | Austin, Texas / 2022

2) Mixed Mental Arts (hosted by comedian Bryan Callen & Hunter Maats, Los Angeles / 2018)

Ep 286 - “Find Your Ikigai: Stepping Stones to The Trades with Jon and Jenni Aguilar”

3) Mixed Mental Arts (hosted by Hunter Maats, Los Angeles / 2017)

Ep 251 - “Navigating the ‘Jobocalypse’ with Jon Aguilar: What Kind of ‘Smith’ Are You?”